Decision boundary plot

I was recently asked by a colleague about how I generated the decision boundary plots that are displayed in these two papers: Püschel Thomas A., Marcé-Nogué Jordi, Gladman Justin T.


Contact: Email: thomas.puschelrouliez@anthro.ox.ac.uk Web: thomas.puschel.com Yesterday I received an email asking me how did I generate the 3D plots displayed in this preprint so I decided to share the process in this post.

S4. Landmark and semi-landmarks used in 'Characterizing the body morphology of the first metacarpal in the Homininae using 3D geometric morphometrics'

Paper authors: Jonathan Morley, Ana Bucchi, Carlos Lorenzo, Thomas A. Püschel Link to preprint Corresponding author: Thomas A. Püschel Contact: Email: thomas.

Intervals' method tutorial

Tutorial: How to use R to analyse data from FEA using the intervals’ method We have developed a new method, named the intervals’ method, to analyse data from finite element models in a comparative multivariate framework.

Intervals' method tutorial Part2

Tutorial: How to use R to analyse data from FEA using the intervals’ method Part2: Convergence procedure to estimate an appropiate number of intervals This script corresponds to the convergence procedure used to estimate an appropiate number of interval variables.

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